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January 2010 Observing Guide
- Neill
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14 years 11 months ago - 14 years 11 months ago #82799
by Neill
January 2010 Observing Guide was created by Neill
Hi all,
Obs guide for Jan below, Happy New Year and hopefully we will see the eclipse on Thu night (ok, its only a partial eclipse, better than nothing)
(Please note all times are UT and are based on an observing location of Belfast and covers the month of January)
The Sun
At the start of the month, the Sun rises at 08:45 and sets at 16:10. By the end of the month, it rises at 08:15 and sets at 17:00.
The Planets
Mercury is at inferior conjunction on the 4th and is not visible at the start of the month. However it is at greatest western elongation on the 27th and is visible from mid-month onwards low in the East in the morning skies. On the 15th, it rises at 07:10 with a mag of +0.4, with sunrise at 08:35. By the 27th, it rises at 07:05 with a mag of -0.2, with sunrise at 08:20. By month’s end, it rises at 07:10 with a similar mag to the 27th, the sun rises at 08:15.
Venus is at superior conjunction on the 11th and is not visible this month. However over the coming months, it will become prominent in the evening sky as it moves away from the sun.
Mars is at opposition on the 29th and thus is very well placed for observation as an evening object. At the start of the month, it rises at 19:10 and by the month’s end, it rises during daylight hours. It brightens during the month from mag -0.8 to mag -1.3. It moves out of Leo into Cancer during the month and by month’s end, sits to the North of M44 – The Beehive Cluster.
Jupiter is slowly sinking into the evening twilight but is still visible in the early evening. It moves out of Capricornus into Aquarius during the month. It sets at 20:20 at the start of the month and at 19:00 by month’s end. It fades during the month from mag -2.1 to mag -2.0. It pulls away from Neptune, with the gap between the two less than three degrees on the 2nd and then widening as the month progresses. The two planets had been at conjunction the previous month. The four Galilean moons – Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto are visible with 10x50 binoculars or a small telescope and are worth a look.
Saturn is a late evening object during January in Virgo and at the start of the month, rises at 23:50. By month’s end, it rises at 21:50 and brightens from mag +0.9 to mag +0.7 during the month. It lies near to Zaniah (Eta Virginis, mag +3.9) during the month.
Uranus can be found in Pisces during January. It is well placed for observation during this period. At the start of the month, it sets at 23:00. By the end of the month, it sets at 21:00. It maintains it brightness at mag +5.9 during the month. It lies to the South of Lambda Piscium (mag +4.5) – one of the stars of the Circlet Asterism and to the West of 20 Piscium (mag +5.5).
Neptune can be found in Capricornus during January and is lost to the evening twilight by month’s end. At the start of the month, it sets at 20:10. It maintains its brightness at mag +8.0 during the month. It lies to the North of Deneb Algiebi (Delta Capricorni, mag +2.9) and Nashira (Gamma Capricorni, mag +3.7).
The Moon
In January, the last quarter moon is on the 7th with the new moon on the 15th. The first quarter moon is on the 23rd with the full moon on the 30th. The January full moon coincides with the closest perigee of 2010 meaning that this month’s full moon will be 15% brighter and 7% bigger than an average full moon. Perigee is when the moon is at its closest point to Earth during its 28 day orbit.
On the early evening of the 1st, a 98% illuminated waning gibbous moon lies five degrees to the North of NGC 2392 – The Eskimo Nebula.
On the evening of the 2nd/morning of the 3rd, a 93% illuminated waning gibbous moon lies near to M44 – The Beehive Cluster, M67 and Mars. At around 20:00, M44 lies eight degrees to the West of the moon with M67 three degrees to the south of it. By the morning of the 3rd, Mars joins the scene, lying seven degrees to the North of the moon.
On the evening of the 3rd/morning of the 4th, a 86% illuminated waning gibbous moon lies four degrees to the South of Regulus (Alpha Leonis, mag +1.4) at around midnight.
On the morning of the 6th, a 64% illuminated waning gibbous moon lies eight degrees to the South-West of Saturn at around 05:00.
On the morning of the 7th, a 53% illuminated waning gibbous moon lies less than a degree to the North of M104 – The Sombrero Galaxy at around 05:00.
On the morning of the 8th, a 43% illuminated waning crescent moon lies six degrees to the South of Spica (Alpha Virginis, mag +1.0) at around 03:00.
On the morning of the 11th, a 14% illuminated waning crescent moon lies less than three degrees to the West of Antares (Alpha Scorpii, mag +0.9) at around 07:00.
On the morning of the 13th, a 4% illuminated waning crescent moon lies six degrees to the South of Mercury at around 08:00. BE AWARE THAT SUNRISE IS AT AROUND 08:40.
On the early evening of the 17th, a 5% illuminated waxing crescent moon lies three degrees to the North of Neptune and seven degrees to the North-West of Jupiter. Moonset is at around 19:10.
On the evening of the 19th, a 18% illuminated waxing crescent moon lies seven degrees to the North-West of Uranus at around 21:00 with moonset at around 21:35.
On the evening of the 22nd, a 46% illuminated waxing crescent moon lies two degrees to the West of M74 - a mag +9 spiral galaxy at around midnight.
On the evening of the 25th, a 74% illuminated waxing gibbous moon lies five degrees to the East of M45 –The Pleiades at around 20:00.
On the evening of the 26th, a 84% illuminated waxing gibbous moon lies three degrees to the East of NGC 1746 at around 20:00.
On the morning of the 27th, a 86% illuminated waxing gibbous moon lies four degrees to the North of M1 – The Crab Nebula at around 03:00.
On the early evening of the 27th, a 91% illuminated waxing gibbous moon lies a degree to the East of M35 at around 19:00.
On the evening of the 28th, a 98% illuminated waxing gibbous moon lies within less than a degree of NGC 2392 – The Eskimo Nebula at around midnight.
On the evening of the 29th/morning of the 30th, the near full moon lies near to M44 – The Beehive Cluster, Mars and M67. On the 29th, M44 lies four degrees to the North of the moon at around 22:00. At the same time, Mars lies eight degrees also to the North of the moon. On the 30th, M67 lies four degrees to the South of the moon at around 05:00.
On the morning of the 31st, the just past full moon lies eight degrees to the West of Regulus (Alpha Leonis, mag +1.4) at around 04:00.
The ZHR or Zenithal Hourly Rate is the number of meteors an observer would see in one hour under a clear, dark sky with a limiting apparent magnitude of 6.5 and if the radiant of the shower were in the zenith. The rate that can effectively be seen is nearly always lower and decreases as the radiant is closer to the horizon. The Zenith is the overhead point in the sky for an observer. The radiant is the point in the sky, from which (to a planetary observer) meteors appear to originate, i.e. the Perseids, for example, are meteors which appear to come from a point within the constellation of Perseus. A meteor storm is defined as activity greater or equal to a ZHR of 1000. A fireball is defined by the International Astronomical Union as a meteor brighter than any of the planets, i.e. magnitude -4 or brighter. The International Meteor Organisation alternatively defines it as a meteor which would have a magnitude of -3 or brighter at the zenith.
The Quadrantids peak on the 3rd at around 18:00 with a ZHR of 120. The radiant is roughly where the constellations Bootes, Draco and Hercules meet low in the North and is circumpolar. The shower is named after a now defunct constellation Quadrans Mualis which lay between Bootes and Draco. A 87% illuminated waning gibbous moon rises at around 20:25 in Leo and interferes with the shower.
At the end of the month, look out for 2 Pallas at mag +9 in the morning sky, passing near to the mag +6 globular cluster M5 in Serpens Caput. Finder charts are available from the RASNZ link in the information section.
Comet C/2007 Q3 (Siding Spring) is a late evening comet during January. At the start of the month, it lies roughly to the South of M3 – the mag +6 globular cluster in Canes Venatici. It moves in a North-Easterly direction into Bootes during the month and lies near to Seginus (Gamma Bootis, mag +3.0) at month’s end. It is visible from midnight at the start of the month and by month’s end it is visible from 22:00. It is around mag +9 and is predicted to remain at similar magnitudes until spring.
Comet 81P/Wild 2 moves in a Easterly direction in January and can be observed in Virgo. It is a morning comet, visible from 01:00 at the start of the month and by month’s end it is still only visible from midnight, due to its Easterly motion. It is currently around mag +10, predicted to peak at around mag +9 in early spring. At the start of the month, it lies three degrees to the West of Saturn and by around the 5th, it lies just over a degree to the South of the ringed planet. Around the 15th, it lies a degree to the South of Porrima (Gamma Virginis, mag +3.7).
Deep Sky
On the deep sky front this month, galaxies M81 and M82 can be observed in Ursa Major. In Andromeda, M31 – The Andromeda galaxy can be observed along with its satellite galaxies M32 and M110. In Perseus, there is the open cluster M34 and the excellent Double Cluster – NGC 869 and 884. In Triangulum, there is the galaxy M33. In Auriga there are three open clusters M36, M37 and M38 and also M35 in Gemini. Taurus has the excellent Pleiades – M45, the Hyades and also M1 – The Crab Nebula. Orion returns to our skies with M42 – The Great Orion Nebula and also Cancer with M44 – The Beehive Cluster.
General Notes
Always keep an eye out for Aurorae. Other interesting naked eye phenomena to look out for include the Zodiacal Light and the Gegenschein. Both are caused by sunlight reflecting off dust particles which are present in the solar system. The Zodiacal Light can be seen in the West after evening twilight has disappeared or in the East before the morning twilight. The best time of year to see the phenomenon is late-Feb to early-April in the evening sky and September/October in the morning sky - it's then that the ecliptic, along which the cone of the zodiacal light lies, is steepest in our skies. The Gegenschein can be seen in the area of the sky opposite the sun. To view either, you must get yourself to a very dark site to cut out the light pollution. When trying to observe either of these phenomena, it is best to do so when the moon is below the horizon.
Clear Skies
Neill McKeown
Information Sources Used and Links
www.skyviewcafe.com - Used for the Sun and Planets section. Also partly used for the Moon Section
Sky at Night Magazine Observing Guide and CD
www.aerith.net and cometchasing.skyhound.com – Used for the Comet Section for information and finder charts
www.ast.cam.ac.uk/%7Ejds/ - BAA and SPA Comet page
kometen.fg-vds.de/fgk_hpe.htm - German Comet page
www.rasnz.org.nz – Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand website – good for asteroids
BAA Handbook
Stardust Magazine
Sky Guide 2009 – South Dublin Astronomical Society
www.heavens-above.com – For the latest ISS passes, Iridium Flares and Shuttle launches
www.irishastronomy.org – Irish Federation of Astronomy Societies Website
www.stronge.org.uk – Excellent weather site including Space Weather
irishastro.org.uk – Irish Astronomical Association website
www.eaas.co.uk – Northern Ireland Amateur Astronomy Society
Clear Skies
Obs guide for Jan below, Happy New Year and hopefully we will see the eclipse on Thu night (ok, its only a partial eclipse, better than nothing)
(Please note all times are UT and are based on an observing location of Belfast and covers the month of January)
The Sun
At the start of the month, the Sun rises at 08:45 and sets at 16:10. By the end of the month, it rises at 08:15 and sets at 17:00.
The Planets
Mercury is at inferior conjunction on the 4th and is not visible at the start of the month. However it is at greatest western elongation on the 27th and is visible from mid-month onwards low in the East in the morning skies. On the 15th, it rises at 07:10 with a mag of +0.4, with sunrise at 08:35. By the 27th, it rises at 07:05 with a mag of -0.2, with sunrise at 08:20. By month’s end, it rises at 07:10 with a similar mag to the 27th, the sun rises at 08:15.
Venus is at superior conjunction on the 11th and is not visible this month. However over the coming months, it will become prominent in the evening sky as it moves away from the sun.
Mars is at opposition on the 29th and thus is very well placed for observation as an evening object. At the start of the month, it rises at 19:10 and by the month’s end, it rises during daylight hours. It brightens during the month from mag -0.8 to mag -1.3. It moves out of Leo into Cancer during the month and by month’s end, sits to the North of M44 – The Beehive Cluster.
Jupiter is slowly sinking into the evening twilight but is still visible in the early evening. It moves out of Capricornus into Aquarius during the month. It sets at 20:20 at the start of the month and at 19:00 by month’s end. It fades during the month from mag -2.1 to mag -2.0. It pulls away from Neptune, with the gap between the two less than three degrees on the 2nd and then widening as the month progresses. The two planets had been at conjunction the previous month. The four Galilean moons – Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto are visible with 10x50 binoculars or a small telescope and are worth a look.
Saturn is a late evening object during January in Virgo and at the start of the month, rises at 23:50. By month’s end, it rises at 21:50 and brightens from mag +0.9 to mag +0.7 during the month. It lies near to Zaniah (Eta Virginis, mag +3.9) during the month.
Uranus can be found in Pisces during January. It is well placed for observation during this period. At the start of the month, it sets at 23:00. By the end of the month, it sets at 21:00. It maintains it brightness at mag +5.9 during the month. It lies to the South of Lambda Piscium (mag +4.5) – one of the stars of the Circlet Asterism and to the West of 20 Piscium (mag +5.5).
Neptune can be found in Capricornus during January and is lost to the evening twilight by month’s end. At the start of the month, it sets at 20:10. It maintains its brightness at mag +8.0 during the month. It lies to the North of Deneb Algiebi (Delta Capricorni, mag +2.9) and Nashira (Gamma Capricorni, mag +3.7).
The Moon
In January, the last quarter moon is on the 7th with the new moon on the 15th. The first quarter moon is on the 23rd with the full moon on the 30th. The January full moon coincides with the closest perigee of 2010 meaning that this month’s full moon will be 15% brighter and 7% bigger than an average full moon. Perigee is when the moon is at its closest point to Earth during its 28 day orbit.
On the early evening of the 1st, a 98% illuminated waning gibbous moon lies five degrees to the North of NGC 2392 – The Eskimo Nebula.
On the evening of the 2nd/morning of the 3rd, a 93% illuminated waning gibbous moon lies near to M44 – The Beehive Cluster, M67 and Mars. At around 20:00, M44 lies eight degrees to the West of the moon with M67 three degrees to the south of it. By the morning of the 3rd, Mars joins the scene, lying seven degrees to the North of the moon.
On the evening of the 3rd/morning of the 4th, a 86% illuminated waning gibbous moon lies four degrees to the South of Regulus (Alpha Leonis, mag +1.4) at around midnight.
On the morning of the 6th, a 64% illuminated waning gibbous moon lies eight degrees to the South-West of Saturn at around 05:00.
On the morning of the 7th, a 53% illuminated waning gibbous moon lies less than a degree to the North of M104 – The Sombrero Galaxy at around 05:00.
On the morning of the 8th, a 43% illuminated waning crescent moon lies six degrees to the South of Spica (Alpha Virginis, mag +1.0) at around 03:00.
On the morning of the 11th, a 14% illuminated waning crescent moon lies less than three degrees to the West of Antares (Alpha Scorpii, mag +0.9) at around 07:00.
On the morning of the 13th, a 4% illuminated waning crescent moon lies six degrees to the South of Mercury at around 08:00. BE AWARE THAT SUNRISE IS AT AROUND 08:40.
On the early evening of the 17th, a 5% illuminated waxing crescent moon lies three degrees to the North of Neptune and seven degrees to the North-West of Jupiter. Moonset is at around 19:10.
On the evening of the 19th, a 18% illuminated waxing crescent moon lies seven degrees to the North-West of Uranus at around 21:00 with moonset at around 21:35.
On the evening of the 22nd, a 46% illuminated waxing crescent moon lies two degrees to the West of M74 - a mag +9 spiral galaxy at around midnight.
On the evening of the 25th, a 74% illuminated waxing gibbous moon lies five degrees to the East of M45 –The Pleiades at around 20:00.
On the evening of the 26th, a 84% illuminated waxing gibbous moon lies three degrees to the East of NGC 1746 at around 20:00.
On the morning of the 27th, a 86% illuminated waxing gibbous moon lies four degrees to the North of M1 – The Crab Nebula at around 03:00.
On the early evening of the 27th, a 91% illuminated waxing gibbous moon lies a degree to the East of M35 at around 19:00.
On the evening of the 28th, a 98% illuminated waxing gibbous moon lies within less than a degree of NGC 2392 – The Eskimo Nebula at around midnight.
On the evening of the 29th/morning of the 30th, the near full moon lies near to M44 – The Beehive Cluster, Mars and M67. On the 29th, M44 lies four degrees to the North of the moon at around 22:00. At the same time, Mars lies eight degrees also to the North of the moon. On the 30th, M67 lies four degrees to the South of the moon at around 05:00.
On the morning of the 31st, the just past full moon lies eight degrees to the West of Regulus (Alpha Leonis, mag +1.4) at around 04:00.
The ZHR or Zenithal Hourly Rate is the number of meteors an observer would see in one hour under a clear, dark sky with a limiting apparent magnitude of 6.5 and if the radiant of the shower were in the zenith. The rate that can effectively be seen is nearly always lower and decreases as the radiant is closer to the horizon. The Zenith is the overhead point in the sky for an observer. The radiant is the point in the sky, from which (to a planetary observer) meteors appear to originate, i.e. the Perseids, for example, are meteors which appear to come from a point within the constellation of Perseus. A meteor storm is defined as activity greater or equal to a ZHR of 1000. A fireball is defined by the International Astronomical Union as a meteor brighter than any of the planets, i.e. magnitude -4 or brighter. The International Meteor Organisation alternatively defines it as a meteor which would have a magnitude of -3 or brighter at the zenith.
The Quadrantids peak on the 3rd at around 18:00 with a ZHR of 120. The radiant is roughly where the constellations Bootes, Draco and Hercules meet low in the North and is circumpolar. The shower is named after a now defunct constellation Quadrans Mualis which lay between Bootes and Draco. A 87% illuminated waning gibbous moon rises at around 20:25 in Leo and interferes with the shower.
At the end of the month, look out for 2 Pallas at mag +9 in the morning sky, passing near to the mag +6 globular cluster M5 in Serpens Caput. Finder charts are available from the RASNZ link in the information section.
Comet C/2007 Q3 (Siding Spring) is a late evening comet during January. At the start of the month, it lies roughly to the South of M3 – the mag +6 globular cluster in Canes Venatici. It moves in a North-Easterly direction into Bootes during the month and lies near to Seginus (Gamma Bootis, mag +3.0) at month’s end. It is visible from midnight at the start of the month and by month’s end it is visible from 22:00. It is around mag +9 and is predicted to remain at similar magnitudes until spring.
Comet 81P/Wild 2 moves in a Easterly direction in January and can be observed in Virgo. It is a morning comet, visible from 01:00 at the start of the month and by month’s end it is still only visible from midnight, due to its Easterly motion. It is currently around mag +10, predicted to peak at around mag +9 in early spring. At the start of the month, it lies three degrees to the West of Saturn and by around the 5th, it lies just over a degree to the South of the ringed planet. Around the 15th, it lies a degree to the South of Porrima (Gamma Virginis, mag +3.7).
Deep Sky
On the deep sky front this month, galaxies M81 and M82 can be observed in Ursa Major. In Andromeda, M31 – The Andromeda galaxy can be observed along with its satellite galaxies M32 and M110. In Perseus, there is the open cluster M34 and the excellent Double Cluster – NGC 869 and 884. In Triangulum, there is the galaxy M33. In Auriga there are three open clusters M36, M37 and M38 and also M35 in Gemini. Taurus has the excellent Pleiades – M45, the Hyades and also M1 – The Crab Nebula. Orion returns to our skies with M42 – The Great Orion Nebula and also Cancer with M44 – The Beehive Cluster.
General Notes
Always keep an eye out for Aurorae. Other interesting naked eye phenomena to look out for include the Zodiacal Light and the Gegenschein. Both are caused by sunlight reflecting off dust particles which are present in the solar system. The Zodiacal Light can be seen in the West after evening twilight has disappeared or in the East before the morning twilight. The best time of year to see the phenomenon is late-Feb to early-April in the evening sky and September/October in the morning sky - it's then that the ecliptic, along which the cone of the zodiacal light lies, is steepest in our skies. The Gegenschein can be seen in the area of the sky opposite the sun. To view either, you must get yourself to a very dark site to cut out the light pollution. When trying to observe either of these phenomena, it is best to do so when the moon is below the horizon.
Clear Skies
Neill McKeown
Information Sources Used and Links
www.skyviewcafe.com - Used for the Sun and Planets section. Also partly used for the Moon Section
Sky at Night Magazine Observing Guide and CD
www.aerith.net and cometchasing.skyhound.com – Used for the Comet Section for information and finder charts
www.ast.cam.ac.uk/%7Ejds/ - BAA and SPA Comet page
kometen.fg-vds.de/fgk_hpe.htm - German Comet page
www.rasnz.org.nz – Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand website – good for asteroids
BAA Handbook
Stardust Magazine
Sky Guide 2009 – South Dublin Astronomical Society
www.heavens-above.com – For the latest ISS passes, Iridium Flares and Shuttle launches
www.irishastronomy.org – Irish Federation of Astronomy Societies Website
www.stronge.org.uk – Excellent weather site including Space Weather
irishastro.org.uk – Irish Astronomical Association website
www.eaas.co.uk – Northern Ireland Amateur Astronomy Society
Clear Skies
Last edit: 14 years 11 months ago by Neill. Reason: Meteor Information Wrong
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- michael_murphy
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14 years 11 months ago #82800
by michael_murphy
Replied by michael_murphy on topic Re:January 2010 Observing Guide
Thanks Neill,
Informative as always,
Informative as always,
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- Frank Ryan
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14 years 11 months ago #82808
by Frank Ryan
My Astrophotography
Shannonside Astronomy Club __________________________________________
Meade ETX-125PE, Bresser 10 x 50 Binos & Me Peepers
Replied by Frank Ryan on topic Re:January 2010 Observing Guide
Cup of joe time and
a good read of this...
Thanks Neill!
Cup of joe time and
a good read of this...
Thanks Neill!
My Astrophotography
Shannonside Astronomy Club __________________________________________
Meade ETX-125PE, Bresser 10 x 50 Binos & Me Peepers
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- Seanie_Morris
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14 years 11 months ago #82816
by Seanie_Morris
Midlands Astronomy Club.
Radio Presenter (Midlands 103), Space Enthusiast, Astronomy Outreach Co-ordinator.
Former IFAS Chairperson and Secretary.
Replied by Seanie_Morris on topic Re:January 2010 Observing Guide
Nice work Neill! Topic made into a sticky.
Midlands Astronomy Club.
Radio Presenter (Midlands 103), Space Enthusiast, Astronomy Outreach Co-ordinator.
Former IFAS Chairperson and Secretary.
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- Neill
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14 years 11 months ago #82818
by Neill
Replied by Neill on topic Re:January 2010 Observing Guide
Hi all,
Made a change to the Quadrantids bit, initial info I had down was wrong!
Made a change to the Quadrantids bit, initial info I had down was wrong!
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- phoenix
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14 years 11 months ago #82833
by phoenix
16" ODK (incoming), Mesu Mount 200, APM TMB 80mm, SXV H16, SXV H9
J16 An Carraig Observatory
Replied by phoenix on topic Re:January 2010 Observing Guide
Slim pickings this month on the NEO side with only one less than mag 16. Must be Christmas hangovers.
2009 XO
Apollo asteroid
Mag 16.9 2nd to 5th
24761 Ahau
Apollo Asteroid
Reaches mag 15.5 between 16th and 24th
2003 WR21
Apollo asteroid
Mag 17.6 at end of month
2007 UR3
Amor asteroid
Gets to mag 17.9 by end of month
(138893) 2000 YH66
Apollo asteroid
Mag 17.6 at end of month but very low
2009 XO
Apollo asteroid
Mag 16.9 2nd to 5th
24761 Ahau
Apollo Asteroid
Reaches mag 15.5 between 16th and 24th
2003 WR21
Apollo asteroid
Mag 17.6 at end of month
2007 UR3
Amor asteroid
Gets to mag 17.9 by end of month
(138893) 2000 YH66
Apollo asteroid
Mag 17.6 at end of month but very low
16" ODK (incoming), Mesu Mount 200, APM TMB 80mm, SXV H16, SXV H9
J16 An Carraig Observatory
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