
November 2010 Observing Guide

13 years 6 months ago - 13 years 5 months ago #87006 by Neill
November 2010 Observing Guide was created by Neill
Hi all,

November's guide is below, enjoy.

(NB: all times are UT unless otherwise stated and are based on the location of Belfast and covers November)

The Sun

At the start of the month, the Sun rises at 07:30 and sets at 16:45. By month’s end, it rises at 08:20 and sets at 16:00.

The Planets

Mercury may be visible as an evening object very low in the South-West at month’s end. It is mag -0.5 and sets at 17:00 at this time.

Venus becomes visible again as a morning object in November by middle of the month. At month’s end, it rises at 04:40 and is mag -4.9.

Mars is not observable this month.

Jupiter is well placed for observation this month. It rises during daylight hours throughout the month. It lies to the South of the Circlet asterism and is in Aquarius, fading from mag -2.8 to mag -2.6 during the month. At month’s end, it lies 3° to the West of Uranus. By month’s end, it sets at 01:10. Currently Jupiter’s South Equatorial Belt has gone missing; also its four Galilean moons are worth a look in a small telescope.

Saturn is visible as a morning object and rises at 04:40 at the start of the month and at 03:00 by month’s end. It maintains its brightness at mag +0.9 during the month and it moves Eastward away from Porrima (Gamma (γ) Virginis, mag +2.9) towards Theta (θ) Virginis (mag +4.4).

Uranus is well placed for observation this month. It rises during daylight hours throughout the month. It maintains its brightness at mag +5.8 during the month, lying to the South of the Circlet asterism in Pisces. It lies 3° to the East of Jupiter at month’s end, setting at 01:30. Don’t expect to see much detail - it will be like a green-blue star.

Neptune is starting to set in the evening sky this month. It maintains its brightness at mag +7.9 during the month and sets at 22:25 by month’s end. It is at Eastern Quadrature on the 18th and lies near to Mu (μ) Capricorni (mag +5.1) during the month, also lying 3° to the NE of Delta (δ) Capricorni (mag +2.9). You’ll see even less detail than on Uranus: It will appear like a faint bluish star.

The Moon

The new moon is on the 6th with the first quarter moon on the 13th and the full moon on the 21st. The last quarter moon is on the 28th.

On the morning of the 1st, the waning crescent moon lies 6° to the S of Regulus (Alpha (α) Leonis, mag +1.4) at around 05:00.

On the morning of the 4th, the waning crescent moon lies to the SW of Saturn at around 06:00.

On the evening of the 13th, the first quarter moon lies 5° to the W of Neptune at around 20:00.

On the evenings of the 15th and 16th, the waxing gibbous moon lies near to Jupiter and Uranus. On the 15th, it lies to the W of the planets and on the following evening, it lies 8° to the N of them. On both evenings look around 20:00.

On the evening of the 21st, the full moon lies 3° to the S of M45 –The Pleiades at around 20:00.

On the evening of the 22nd, the waning gibbous moon lies 8° to the NE of Aldebaran (Alpha (α) Tauri, mag +0.9) at around 20:00.

On the evening of the 23rd/morning of the 24th, the waning gibbous moon lies near to M35, to the NW of the cluster. At 22:00, the gap is 4°, closing to 2° by 04:00.

On the evening of the 25th, the waning gibbous moon lies near to Pollux (Beta (β) Geminorum, mag +1.1) and M44 –The Beehive Cluster at around 22:00. It lies to the S of the star and NW of the cluster. On the following evening at around 23:00, it lies 8° to the S of the cluster.

On the morning of the 28th, the waning gibbous moon lies 7° to the W of Regulus (Alpha (α) Leonis, mag +1.4) at around 01:00.


The best time to observe meteor showers is when the moon is below the horizon; otherwise its bright glare limits the number you will see especially the fainter ones. Below is a guide to this month’s showers.

The Taurids peak in the first two weeks of the month. There is the Southern peak on the 5th and the Northern peak on the 12th. The ZHR for both peaks is 5. This shower’s meteors are slow moving when compared to other showers, e.g. a Taurid meteor travels on average at 19 miles/second. This is pedestrian when compared with a Perseid which travels on average at 37 miles/second and a Leonid which travels on average at 45 miles/second. This shower can produce fireballs and is noted for a broad peak of activity so it is best to not restrict yourself to the stated peak days. The radiant rises around 21:00 during the peak period and there is no moon to contend with for the first peak and for the second peak, you will have to wait until a waxing crescent moon sets around 22:30.

The Leonids peak around 21:00 on the 17th with a ZHR of 20. However the radiant does not rise for us until around 02:00 on the 18th, also there is a bright waxing gibbous moon to contend with that evening and it does not set until around 04:20 on the 18th. In summary, you have to wait until the moon sets, giving you a 3 hour window in the pre-dawn hours to observe this shower on the morning of the 18th.


Comet 103P/Hartley is past its peak in November and heads SE. It starts the month in Gemini, heading through Canis Minor into Monoceros by mid-month. It then ends the month in Puppis, lying near to the two open clusters M46 and M47 from about the 26th through to month’s end. By month’s end, it lies E of Sirius (Alpha (α) Canis Majoris, mag -1.5). It is visible from about 22:00 at the start at the month, but because of its motion, becomes visible later as the month progress. By month’s end, it is visible from about 02:00. A magnitude prediction for this comet is hard to do although there is a good chance that unless you have dark skies, a visual aid i.e. binos will be needed to observe it.

Comet C/2010 V1 (Ikeya – Muramaki) was only recently discovered by Japanese astronomers and is a morning comet in Virgo. It is currently around mag +8 and fading and is visible from about 05:00 during the rest of the month. It is traveling SE and at mid-month, lies to the S of Theta (θ) Virginis (mag +4.4). By the 24th, it lies to the N of Spica (Alpha (α) Virginis, mag +1.0) and by month’s end, it lies to the N of Venus.

Finder charts and further information about the above and other comets can be found at www.aerith.net , cometchasing.skyhound.com , www.ast.cam.ac.uk/%7Ejds/ , kometen.fg-vds.de/fgk_hpe.htm and www.rasnz.org.nz in the source list below.

Deep Sky

On the deep sky front this month, galaxies M81 and M82 can be observed in Ursa Major. In Andromeda, M31 – The Andromeda galaxy can be observed along with its satellite galaxies M32 and M110. In Perseus, there is the open cluster M34 and the excellent Double Cluster – NGC 869 and 884. In Triangulum, there is the galaxy M33. In Auriga there are three open clusters M36, M37 and M38 and also M35 in Gemini. Taurus has the excellent Pleiades – M45, the Hyades and also M1 – The Crab Nebula. Orion returns to our skies with M42 – The Great Orion Nebula and also Cancer with M44 – The Beehive Cluster.

General Notes

Always keep an eye out for Aurorae. Other interesting naked eye phenomena to look out for include the Zodiacal Light and the Gegenschein. Both are caused by sunlight reflecting off dust particles which are present in the solar system. The Zodiacal Light can be seen in the West after evening twilight has disappeared or in the East before the morning twilight. The best time of year to see the phenomenon is late-Feb to early-April in the evening sky and September/October in the morning sky - it's then that the ecliptic, along which the cone of the zodiacal light lies, is steepest in our skies. The Gegenschein can be seen in the area of the sky opposite the sun. To view either, you must get yourself to a very dark site to cut out the light pollution. When trying to observe either of these phenomena, it is best to do so when the moon is below the horizon. A new appendix has been added explaining some of the more technical terms used in the guide.

Clear Skies

Neill McKeown

Information Sources Used and Links

www.skyviewcafe.com ; Sky at Night Magazine Observing Guide and CD; www.aerith.net ; cometchasing.skyhound.com ; www.ast.cam.ac.uk/%7Ejds/ ;
kometen.fg-vds.de/fgk_hpe.htm ; www.rasnz.org.nz ; Stardust Magazine;
Sky Guide 2010 – South Dublin Astronomical Society; Philip’s Stargazing 2010;
Patrick Moore’s 2010 Yearbook of Astronomy; www.heavens-above.com ; www.spaceweather.com ;
seds.org/messier/ - The Messier Catalogue website; www.seds.org/messier/xtra/ngc/ngc.html - NGC Catalogue website; www.irishastronomy.org – Irish Federation of Astronomy Societies Website;
irishastro.org.uk – Irish Astronomical Association website; www.eaas.co.uk – Northern Ireland Amateur Astronomy Society


The ZHR or Zenithal Hourly Rate is the number of meteors an observer would see in one hour under a clear, dark sky with a limiting apparent magnitude of 6.5 and if the radiant of the shower were in the zenith. The rate that can effectively be seen is nearly always lower and decreases as the radiant is closer to the horizon. The Zenith is the overhead point in the sky.

The radiant is the point in the sky, from which (to a planetary observer) meteors appear to originate, i.e. the Perseids, for example, are meteors which appear to come from a point within the constellation of Perseus. When the radiant is quoted as “circumpolar”, it is never below the horizon and visible all night, otherwise the times quoted are when the constellation in which the radiant lies rises above the horizon in the East.

A fireball is defined by the International Astronomical Union as a meteor brighter than any of the planets, i.e. magnitude -4 or brighter. The International Meteor Organisation alternatively defines it as a meteor which would have a magnitude of -3 or brighter at the zenith.

The ° symbol in the guide is that for degrees. A degree is two full moon widths to give an idea for judging any distances quoted in the guide.

An asterism is a collection of stars seen in Earth's sky which form simple patterns which are easy to identify, i.e. the Big Dipper. They can be formed from stars within the same constellation or by stars from more than one constellation. Like the constellations, they are a line of sight phenomenon and the stars whilst visible in the same general direction, are not physically related and are often at significantly different distances from Earth.

Mag is short for magnitude which is the measure of an object’s brightness. The smaller the number, the brighter the object. The brightest object in the sky is the Sun at mag -26, the full moon is mag -12 and Venus the brightest planet is mag -4. The brightest stars are mag -1. If there is a 1 mag difference between two objects – there is a difference in brightness of a factor of 2.5 between the two objects. For example the full moon is eight magnitudes brighter than Venus on average which means it is 1,526 times brighter than Venus. Objects down to mag +6 can be seen with the naked eye under very dark skies.

Local time is always quoted in the guide and this means for November – February – universal time (UT)/GMT is used and for April to September – daylight savings time (DST, = GMT+1). For the months of March and October when the clocks go forward/back respectively, both times will be used and attention should be paid to any times at the end of these months for that change.

Deep Sky Objects such as galaxies, nebulae and star clusters are classified in catalogues such as the Messier catalogue for objects like M44 – M for Messier. Another example of a catalogue would the New General catalogue whose objects have the prefix NGC. There are links for websites to both catalogues in the section above.

The Planets

From Earth - Mercury and Venus are the inner planets in the solar system and Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are the outer planets. Below is a short guide as to how both the inner and outer planets move around the sun. The above pictorial guide should hopefully help in this.

The Inner Planets

These are best seen when at Greatest Eastern/Western elongation and are not visible when at either Inferior/Superior conjunction. Greatest Eastern elongation is when the inner planet is at its furthest point east from the sun as seen from Earth and visible in the evening sky in the West after sunset, Western elongation is when its at its furthest point west from the sun as seen from Earth and visible in the morning sky in the East before sunset. Inferior conjunction occurs when the inner planet is between the Sun and the Earth. Superior conjunction occurs when the inner planet is on the other side of the Sun as seen from Earth.

From our Northerly latitudes, the ecliptic, along which the planets move, lies at a very shallow angle to the horizon after sunset in the autumn and before sunrise in the spring. This means that any of the planets will be difficult to see when fairly close to the Sun in the evening sky in the autumn, or in the morning sky in the spring. In particular, Mercury is more or less invisible from here when at Eastern elongation in the autumn, or at Western elongation in the spring, because it lies so close to the horizon and is never above the horizon except in daylight or bright twilight.

The normal cycle for an inner planet is Superior Conjunction – Greatest Eastern Elongation – Inferior Conjunction – Greatest Western Elongation - Superior Conjunction. After superior conjunction, the planet moves away from the Sun as seen from Earth and becomes visible in the evening sky after a period of time. It then moves past the point of Greatest Eastern Elongation and moves back towards the Sun as seen from Earth until a point when it is not visible and at Inferior Conjunction. After this the planet appears in the morning sky for a time, before again slipping into the Sun’s glare as seen from Earth. The duration of this cycle will depend on the planet’s closeness to the Sun, i.e. Mercury completes the above cycle in around 4 months.

The Outer Planets

These are best seen when at opposition and are not visible when at conjunction. Opposition occurs when the earth is between the sun and the outer planet. It is the best time to observe them because the planet is visible all through the night and it is due South and at its highest at about midnight. The planet is also at its closest point in its orbit to Earth – making it appear brighter. Conjunction occurs when the outer planet is on the other side of the Sun as seen from Earth.

If the planet is at or near it furthest point South along the ecliptic, then it won’t get very high in the sky even at opposition – just as the Sun never gets high in the sky in midwinter. This happens when opposition occurs near midsummer when the planet is opposite the Sun in the sky and in midsummer the Sun is high, so the planet will be low. The opposite of course applies in winter.

The normal cycle for an outer planet is Conjunction – Western Quadrature – Opposition – Eastern Quadrature - Conjunction. After conjunction, the planet moves away from the Sun as seen from Earth and becomes visible again. The planet from this point on rises earlier and earlier in the morning sky and eventually becomes visible in the evening sky. At Western Quadrature it is at its highest at sunrise and by opposition it is in the same position by midnight. By Eastern Quadrature, it is past its best and is at its highest at sunset, meaning it is rising in daytime and setting earlier and earlier until a point when it sets too close to the Sun as seen from Earth and is no longer visible. The duration of this cycle will depend on the planet’s closeness to the Sun, i.e. Jupiter completes the above cycle in around 13-14 months.
Last edit: 13 years 5 months ago by Neill. Reason: New Comet Details Added

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13 years 5 months ago #87116 by Neill
Replied by Neill on topic Re:November 2010 Observing Guide
Details of the new comet have been added to the guide

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