CAC A.G.M. held on 31 st May 2004, the following committe
was elected for new season :
Chairman : Tom Bonner
Secretary : Paddy Brennan Ph., 021 -4895511
Treasurer : Lynda O'Mahony
Committee members ; Valerie Canty ; Patrick McCarthy ;
Paddy O'Keeffe and Pat Conroy.
The Club will have a stand at the Cork Adult Education Council
Exhibition which will be held at Cork city Hall - Tue., 7th Sept 04 to
Thur., 9th Sept., 04 inclusive. First lecture of the new season will
take place Mon 13th Sept.,04 at the Civil Engineering Building, U.C.C. College Rd., Cork,at 8p.m. sharp
Thereafter lectures will be held at the same venue and
time on 2nd Monday of each month up to and inicluding the month of
May 2005 - Title of Lectures TBA. For further details on Club activities
please contact Secretary at above no., or at e-mail bremor@oceanfree.
paddy brennan