The next Midlands Astronomy Club (MAC) public lecture takes place in the Clonamore House, Arden Road, Tullamore, as follows:
Date & Time: Tuesday Aug 4h @ 8pm.
Speaker/Topic: Mr. Seanie Morris, MAC Secretary
Title: 'What was it REALLY like on Apollo 11?'
Admission: Members are free, non-members €2, all ages and levels of interest are welcome.
As a last-minute change to the calendar for September, Seanie steps in with his presentation on the whole Apollo 11 experience back in 1969, complete with a replica model Saturn V and Stevie, the lonesome astronaut.
September's SkyMaps will also be available on the night FREE.
Clear Skies,
Seanie Morris.
Midlands Astronomy Club.
Radio Presenter (Midlands 103), Space Enthusiast, Astronomy Outreach Co-ordinator.
Former IFAS Chairperson and Secretary.