Monday 1st Dec. 2003 at 8pm
Filters for Astronomy
by Kevin Berwick (I.A.S.)
Venue: Ely House
8 Ely Place, Dublin 2
All welcome. €2 admission, members free.
Also Sky-High 2004, is out and available from the IAS for EUR 6 including P&P, orders to "SkyHigh 2004", I.A.S., P.O. Box 2547, Dublin 14, Ireland. Sky-High is a 36 page annual almanac with monthly sky notes, highlights etc. and is put together by John Flannery and Liam Smith.
btw, it appears that the IAS mailing address has been inactive of late, if you need to contact the IAS in the mean time please contact the new President, Brian Keane directly at hawker at esatclear dot ie.
Albert White MSc FRAS
Chairperson, International Dark Sky Association - Irish Section