Hey there folks
I was observing the Pleiades with the 127mm refractor, a 32mm Plossl fits the entire cluster into the FOV. I popped in the UHC filter and I was rewarded with views of the Pleiades nebulosity. Now, the seeing was pretty poor, only three of Ursa Minor's stars were visible, and therefore I wasn't sure if I was seeing it. I switched to Aldebaran to check that it wasn't haze or fog on the lens, no nebulosity on the star, so back I went. With direct viewing I could make out the nebulosity around Merope and Maia, averted seeing brought out more, though it was faint and wispy. It was scattered throughout the "bowl" of the cluster. Removing the UHC and the nebulosity disappeared.
I had never seen this nebulosity before, and on a night of barely adequate seeing it was a nice surprise.
The UHC has enabled me to see the Veil with an 80mm refractor and now the Pleiades nebulosity, can't wait to turn it loose on the Orion Nebula.
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better programs, and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning.
Rich Cook