I'm doing a little bit of PR for my company here so apologies in advance for the high ratio of marketing to science
Java(TM) 3D and Java(TM) Advanced Imaging technology are key to the software JPL is using to render and interpret realtime images captured by the Spirit Rover.
If you click on the Mars footage from NASA TV on the page above you will get a lot of marketing real video presentations. Three of them are of interest, the live feed from Nasa tv, a short presentation on the first colour image released and on a slightly different topic there is one titled `PLANET HUNTERS` which describes briefly how some sun kit is being used to search for extrasolar planets.
On the page there is a link to the Maestro group who wrote some of the software to model the images recieved from the rover. Their site is restriced at the moment due to the amount of traffic, but you can download their software (its large ~50Mb), they should be releaseing some real data from the Spirit rover later today which can be modelled and explored in this application.
My opinions not necessarily Sun's