Hi Folks,
I wonder if some one out their had any ideas. I am having problems calibrating my auto guider system in CCDSOFT. I have an SBIG STF-8300 with off axis guider using an ST-I camera. The issues is that calibration in CCDSOFT keeps failing because it says the guide star is not moving enough in x axis for the software to model (I hope you are following me so far!). The frustrating thing is this worked before the summer!!
But it has not worked so far this season. I did not make any changes to the system during the summer. I have tried all sorts, rebalancing the scope, fine tuning of the polar alignment, careful camera orientation, exposure settings, etc. I have worn out the pages in WODASKI, but he only says I need more axis move time. I have tried settings from 20 to 50 seconds. The guide star has even disappeared out of view, but CCDSOFT does not detect any movement. I have validated that the laptop is controlling the scope correctly using other software, everything looks perfect.
I'm working on a structured problem solving plan and have some good ideas for troubleshooting next time weather permits. But I'm reaching out to you guys in case one of you has seen this before. It's frustrating using clear skies to fix something that should just work!