BTW does the ETX70 have a solar tracking rate?
The one issue that may arise is tracking from the start to the end of the eclipse.
As a suggestion, try doing this over the next few days or while we're in Turkey. A couple of dry runs should help you figure out the best plan...
I dunno - don't think so.
I simply would like to try and get a few pics, but with the min. of fuss.
A trial run is the only ans.
there is a adapter so you can slide the camera in to the 1,25"
Yep, there is, and that's coming along also!
The one I have will even allow me to to up the mag. by placing 1.25" eyepieces into the barrell!
Thing is, there's a good chance that it'll be a stain on the ol' ETX.
As discussed last Nov. when the purchase-flurry was on, the plastic 'grip-rings' aren't up to takng much weight/strain...
We'll see