Thank you for all the replies. I will setting this up on the LXD75 mount with the choice of 6" f/6 or an 8" f/6 reflector, hopefully to be upgraded at the end of next year to a 10" f/5 Newt.
For guiding, I am will be using a Skylux or an ETX-70 OTA, both are 70mm refractors but the Skylux has a longer focal length but is much slower at f/10 compared to f/5 for the ETX-70. The LXD75 mount can be guided.
Based on the replies above, my current thoughts are to buy a Meade DSI II as a guide/imaging camera and continue to use one of my Canon DSLRs unmodified.
Does Maxim DSLR support guiding with a seperate ccd or do I need the full version with the DSLR option?