Looks like I have some work to do. Started out trying out the new Orion Autoguider. Which worked great. But since I took the G-11 off pier and installed Level 4 upgrade I need to do polar drift alignment and Pec again. Pec was lost due to actually removing and replacing chip in Gemini for upgrade. Polar alignment lost after removing mount from pier.
Image is 25- 4 min subs @ 400 ISO ising the Modified Canon 350D, Baader UHC filter ( which is still giving me halos, IDAS LPS filter still on back order ) and Baader IR/UV cut filter, Willian Optics X0.8 Flattener III, Orion ED80. Guided with Orion ED102 and Orion Autoguider.
Field rotation on edges due to polar alignment. I didn't spent to much time processing due to the quality of subs.