Dear group,
I used the opportunity last night to pursue the transit of exoplanet HD 209458b in Pegasus.
This exoplanet is particularly interesting since it is the first discovery using the transit method - its initial discovery in the 1990's was via the radial method - and it has been confirmed to have water in its atmosphere (similar to the exoplanet HD 189733b in Vulpecula -
Photometry for this exoplanet was somewhat challenging since the best comparison star within my 25'x35' field of view was nearly one magnitude dimmer and of a different spectral type. To add insult to injury, the comparison star is dimmer by yet another one magnitude.
Also, seeing last night was uncharacteristically quite poor but I am quite happy with the light curve which ensued. For a result based on 4.5 hours, I kindly direct you to