August's Competition Prize is kindly sponsored by:
With the closure of the August 2013 Astrophotography Competition, it is time to judge the entries. Please view the images and cast your vote on the Poll included. There is no need to reply to this post, or add comments - people's views are their own but may seem to sway favour towards a particular photo if too many comments towards a particular photo is made.
You have only 1 Vote, so make it count. And thanks again to Ktec Telescopes for their sponsorship of the prize for August (a QHY5 Mark II CCD Camera, see
August's competition thread here
for details)
Saturn Photo #1
A composite image with an SPC900NC. From left to centre: 26th Feb 2011, 21st of March 2011 and 24th of March 2011. The webcam was attached to an Intes MK67 mounted on an LXD75.
Saturn Photo #2
Saturn and its moons captured using an 8" SCT with an imaging source dbk21au618 camera. The image is a composite of two exposures: one exposure for moons and one for Saturn. Processing was done in AS!2 and Registax 6 and compositing done in Photoshop CS2.
Saturn Photo #3
Saturn emerging from occultation by the Moon on the evening of 22nd May 2007.
Saturn Photo #4
Video of Saturn taken with Philips Toucam Pro and Meade 8" LX90, processed in Registax, final image processed in Photoshop. 16th January 2004.
Saturn Photo #5
Captured through a Skywatcher 150p with a 2x Barlow using a modified Microsoft Cinema Webcam.
Saturn Photo #6
Taken through a 20" F5 Obsession + 3x teleview barlow + toucam, 2.5k images stacked in Registax. 14 February 2008.
Best of Luck!
Seanie Morris.